"I'm so grateful I found Dr Roked. A year ago I started to feel a bit ‘odd’… not myself. I had a few symptoms like swollen feet in the morning, lost libido, unexplained weight gain, tingling/pins and needles in my leg and not feeling like exercising… totally not like me as I am normally very active and up for any adventure. I was just not feeling like myself anymore but I didn’t feel I could go to my GP with any of my symptoms, I wasn’t confident that I would be heard, understood or even have time to explain how I felt so started researching and luckily found Dr. Sohère Roked. I was very nervous before our first meeting but after few minutes of chatting I felt so comfortable, heard and very positive about finding out what was happening in my body. Her knowledge, understanding and open-minded way of working gave me hope and fantastic results. After a few blood tests and holistic recommendations on how to improve my everyday life helped me so much. She is the only doctor I’m actually looking forward to seeing! I can not recommend her enough!”
“I had been suffering for over 7 years with severe Menopausal symptoms and struggled to get my local GP and Health services to take me seriously. Recognition of the effect of Menopause on both a woman’s physical & mental health at that time was sadly lacking, to say the least.
Having given up on mainstream services I felt I had no option but to go private and was very lucky I came across Dr Roked. Dr Roked from day one made me feel I was not going crazy after all!!! Her knowledge of Menopause is second to none and her holistic approach to treatment including HRT options was way ahead of its time at that time and now.
I felt very privileged to join what I feel was one of the first early groups of Menopause Pioneers in the UK. Thank goodness there is now far more recognition, treatment options and awareness of the impact of Menopause on so many women. I have since recommended Dr Roked to several friends and other female acquaintances who like me had suffered in silence for far too long.”
"I sought out Dr. Roked after seeing one of her posts on Instagram about Perimenopause when I realised that I was experiencing nearly all of the symptoms. She did a Zoom meeting with me and suggested I do a DUTCH test.
This came in the post and all I had to do was to wee on strips of card, at different times during the day and night, and let it dry, and send it off. She recommended this test because it shows how your body breaks down different hormones, and if your body is not doing this well, it can increase your risk of cancer.
I lost my mum in 2019 to cancer so this was a real concern for me, along with the fact that I would soon have to decide about which type of HRT I would need to go on. Dr. Roked called me with my results and explained them thoroughly but in a very uncomplicated way. She also recommended that I commence Bio-Identical hormone treatment.
I was finally able to sleep after months of sleepless nights, and the brain fog cleared up. I went for another check-up after a year, now that I am fully menopausal, and she reviewed my medication. Now I can embrace Menopause. I highly recommend her, she is an expert in her field."

"I really don't know what I'd do without her"
"I have been under the very special holistic guidance of Dr Sohère Roked for many years. Dr Sohère has helped me so much. I cannot emphasize enough her holistic approach, which is perfect for me, her special care of bio-identical hormones and advice on other things to help with perimenopause… I really don’t know what I’d do without her! Her patience, understanding, support and care has been my savior and to a lot of other women too. I can’t recommend Dr Sohère enough."

"It’s been life-changing, actually... probably life-saving"
"Fast forward 5 years and there is no comparison to how I felt before treatment and it’s been life changing (actually come to think of it probably lifesaving). Since I settled on a treatment that works for me I haven’t suffered a single minute of depression, I am so happy, I can think more clearly and rationally, I have so much more energy and confidence than I have every had and I feel amazing."

"I know my health is in safe hands"
"I have been a client of Dr Roked for many years now, I have found her to be supportive, kind & extremely well informed & knowledgeable. We have collaborated together on my Thyroid issues & hormone therapy & through this I have reached a place of hormone & thyroid stabilisation. I am very grateful for this & know my health is in safe hands. Thank you! I can highly recommend working with Dr Roked."
“As a medical doctor myself, I thought I knew everything about health care. How wrong I was! Dr. Roked’s unique approach has opened my eyes to really achieving true wellness. Her assistance has helped me have enough energy to train for a marathon in April, and her personalised supplement plan has kept the winter illnesses away from me. I was a sceptic at first, but now I’ve seen the results for myself first-hand and I really believe in this type of health care.”
- Martin
"Meeting Dr Roked changed my life! Previously I'd spent 10 years struggling with dreadful menopause symptoms.
As prescribed I've been taking bio identical hormones now for over 4 years and the difference it has made to my quality of life is remarkable."
- London Client
"I am finding the treatment you’ve prescribed me has been working much better for me that the medication I was previously taking. My sleep although not perfect is less restless, and so in general I feel a big improvement. I am also using the hair tonic, although I know it could take a few months to see a difference."
- Sue
“I’m very happy with the benefits from the products Dr Roked has prescribed so far. My biggest health improvements have come from getting my Thyroid meds adjusted. I’m very happy with the service overall. Thank you!!!”
- Fiona
"My symptoms are almost 100% better in just under 2 months – quite a difference to how I was before! The fact that Dr Roked is a practising GP gives one more confidence. It means that she can view the whole picture from a conventional medical point of view and also from a natural/holistic view."
- Jeanette
“I’m so pleased to have found Dr Roked (I was recommended by a friend). The treatment plan literally revitalised me from 3-4 days after starting. I didn’t realise how flat I’d become. I’m still a work in progress though and am monitored regularly by Dr Roked.”
- Lisa
"I have been with Dr Roked for a few years now and I can confidently say that she is exceptional. Her knowledge and dedication is beyond reproach and I have incredible confidence in her guidance and advice. Her service is always problem free and without complications. I was allowed to use my NHS results which saved me some money during the initial investigations. Dr Roked has given me hope and has had a huge positive impact on my wellbeing."
- Nicolle
"Meeting Dr Sohere Roked changed my life ! Her expertise far surpassed any other Dr that had attempted to assist me on this journey. Dr Roked's knowledge and compassion is the finest and you will be In the most capable hands ever. I highly recommend a consultation with her in Knightsbridge."
- Saffron
"I discovered Dr Sohere Roked four years ago at at time when I had very bad side effects from HRT pellets , a mirena coil and low thyroid problems . She quite simply saved me with her extensive knowledge , patience and holistic approach"
- Jo Marie
“Dr Sohère is fantastic! She really listens you and enables you to reach your own goals, however big or small they might be. I have total trust in her which is something I have never experienced before with health care professionals. She will put you at ease right from the get-go, and her friendly, approachable and good nature will help you progress and see the bigger picture.”
- Sarah
"I had some health issues and didn’t know where to turn. I was looking for an integrative and functional approach and found that with Dr Roked. It was great to have the time to talk through in detail, test and then have a plan. I whole-heartedly recommend."
- Andrew
I have been seeing Dr Roked for five years now as she specialises in bio-identical hormones. We have been able to improve my sleep disturbance using hormones, supplements and lifestyle changes. I definitely feel the perimenopause journey has been eased with her help. My energy levels, health and well-being are the best they've ever been. Dr Roked really listens to how you are feeling and helps you achieve your wellness goals.
- Lindsay
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Begin Your Journey to Vitality Today
What makes me great at my job is not just my experience. I listen, I put the patient’s needs first and I’m approachable, down to earth, curious and open-minded. I use whatever modalities are needed to get the results of you feeling great again. If you are seeking optimal health, book an appointment with me and I’ll create a plan that’s right for you.